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This makes a perfect gift for a postpartum mom....



2 hour treatment    Postpartum Massage


During the first   42-days Postpartum   In Home   $250

Postpartum Massage     After 42 days Postpartum   In Office     $200


Warm Oily Massage, Essential Oils, Hot Water Bottles and Pillows

Followed by a 20 minute Nap and a 20 min. Hot Bath (Bath at own-residence only)

This massage is designed specifically for the postpartum time and for times of deep transition and stresses. It supports integration, whole body repair, rest and inward focus.


Best done in a package of three during the first week, rather than once a week, to more deeply layer regeneration.


Package of Three In Home Postpartum           $675


Package of Three In Office (after 42 days)      $525


Call for other packages during the full 42-day regeneration postpartum window.


Ayurveda teaches us that there are THREE primary guidelines a Postpartum Mother requires to be supported to fully rejuvenate and regenerate after the rigors of pregnancy and childbirth.




These three postpartum cornerstones help a New Mom rebuild her body, mind, emotions and psyche as a woman. These 3 principles support her to welcome a new life, to bond in healthy relationship with herself, her new baby and her partner; prepare her for the demands of Motherhood and helps transition she and her partner into a new family system.

It is the observance of the 42-Day Sacred Postpartum Window with the 3 principles listed above that allows nature and nurture to have its healing time. 42 Days that support the following 42 years... a very special and sacred time.




Or just because you choose it...MOTHER'S POSTPARTUM MARMA BODYWORK


                        Postpartum Marma


1.25 Hours   First 42 days postpartum; In Hospital or in Your Home  $120

 After 42 days Postpartum; in Office                                                   $ 90



Mother's Marma Massage uses fingertips. We have chosen specific Ayurvedic Marma points (similar to acupuncture points) that support Mother to repair, balance milk supply and hormones, help with digestion and the nervous system and bring Mom's attention into rest and rejuvenation systemically. Essential Oils available.


Postpartum time is the time to receive integrating, nurturing, oily bodywork. However it is contraindicated after Surgery of any kind or if there is a Real Fever (not to be confused with milk fever). And the planned or unexpected Hospital Birth, difficult for a regular Postpartum Abhyanga massage, what is a Mom to do?  Marma Postpartum Bodywork meets so many needs.  It is a blissful, rejuvenating, nurturing, in-ward (really all my troubles just lift away) and resets and supports a New Mom's entire system and can be done if mom is in bed.



LEARN: SELF CARE & SELF ABHYANGA MASSAGE                                1 hour session  $80

For anyone


Especially supportive postpartum, good for both a new Mom and Dad, also especially indicated during periods of stress, trauma and transition

Call for a group rate


On days you don't have someone to massage you, learn the beauties of the HOW TO and the WHYS of Self Care; Self Massage, as well as the best oils to use and how to cure oil. Includes a take home starter supply of oil.


 Self Care needs to be part of a mom's tool kit (and everyone's). No time, not enough cash, need to be home... Take the time to Replenish, Nurture, Care For and Love Yourself with Self Massage Abhyanga.

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